Suggested Grades: 4th-8th
Suggested Classes: The Art of Science, Chemical Engineering, Critter Scene Investigation, Electricity, Entomology, Environmental Engineering, Geology, Meteorology & Physics, Nature Science Investigators
Science camps come with all-school evening presentations called Super Science that include Image of the Invisible, Subtle Atomic Shift, and Genuine Change
Image of the Invisible Kick off the first night at camp with this scientific seminar that brings discoveries to light! See how a giant air compression canister not only affects things around it with the movement of air, but makes it able for us to see air! Then get hands-on with a variety of experiments involving dry ice, including one especially tasty experiment. In between these investigations, discover how we can learn more about what we believe through a similar scientific investigation.
Genuine Change Genuine Change sees change in some very big ways! Watch as we create elephant’s toothpaste and diet soda volcanoes onstage, then experience creating artificial snow hands-on. These experiments about chemical and physical change tie into life lessons about how we are uniquely made with the potential to do extraordinary things with our ordinary selves.
Subtle Atomic Shift Nitrogen makes up most of our atmosphere, but how much do you really know about it? Get to know this element better, particularly in its boiling-yet-cold liquid form, as we conduct a variety of experiments. Watch liquid nitrogen disappear as it’s poured on the ground, how it freezes a tennis ball solid, how it shrinks balloons and how it can fix a broken lightbulb. Don’t forget that liquid nitrogen can make ice cream, too! Along the way, learn how things can change with small alterations over time, both from a scientific standpoint and in our own lives.