
Here’s a handy timeline of what you need to help you plan your outdoor education experience at Pine Valley.

When first contacting Pine Valley

  • Your Name, E-mail Address, and Phone Number
  • The Name of Your School or Group
  • Dates You Want to Attend We will honor your dates if space is available, and, if not, we can offer alternative dates.
  • Estimated Minimum and Maximum Guests This includes both students and chaperones. (To speed things up at later stages, a breakdown of how many students and how many chaperones is preferred.) We can typically accommodate 45-180 students for outdoor education plus however many chaperones the school prefers (at least one for every 11 students). We also offer options for larger or smaller groups- just give us a call or send us an email!


30 days before camp

  • Call or Email the Total Number of Guests Expected to Attend  This number must be submitted 30 business days prior to your retreat (specific due date will be emailed).
  • Finalize Outdoor Ed Class Schedule This includes selecting classes and activities and approving the copy sent by the program manager.


10 business days before camp

  • Certificate of Liability Insurance Please submit the certificate that must name Pine Valley Bible Conference Center as additional insured for the dates of your retreat
  • Minimum Guarantee Check (minus deposit) Please mail check at least 10 business days prior to your retreat.
  • Name and Cell Phone Number of Designated First-Aid Person  Each group is responsible to bring their own first aid supplies.
  • Special Diet Requests Each person who would like to send a special diet request to our dining hall needs to fill out this form.
  • Student Book Order You can choose whether you print and bind your own outdoor education booklets, or request for Pine Valley to print and bind them at least ten business days in advance.
  • Optional: Order T-Shirts Your school can get t-shirts and/or sweatshirts for every camper. Even if you don’t decide to order as a school, please send this link to your students’ families so they have the option to order apparel, bags, and more! Visit our online store here.
  • Optional: Order Any “Extras” Bedtime snacks of fruit or cookies are available for fifty cents per person per night. These must be ordered at least ten business days in advance. Schools can also choose to rent meeting halls and other facilities based on availability.


When you arrive

  • Transportation and Parking Your school can arrive by buses or cars. You may use the main entrance for loading and unloading. (Some GPS directions take you to our south entrance- keep driving 500 more feet on the paved road to find our main entrance!) If vehicles will be staying overnight, please park them in our southern camp parking lot after unloading. (Parking maps are available upon request.)
  • Master Guest List  By California regulation, the master guest list must contain the full name, address, and phone number of every guest in your group. You can turn this list in at check-in.
  • Cabin Groups and Traveling Teams You are responsible for assigning students and chaperones to cabins (maximum 12 total per dorm) and traveling teams (maximum 20 students per team). We recommend planning this ahead of time so that students and chaperones are prepared, as both of these will immediately come into play upon arrival.
  • If You Run Late Understandably, sometimes life events get in the way of arriving on time. Whether it’s a student arriving late to school, vehicle malfunctions, or unexpected traffic, please give us a call as soon as you discover you’ll be arriving after your check-in time so we have time to make accommodations for your schedule.


Last morning at camp

  • Ensure Luggage is Removed from Rooms We can provide a luggage storage location upon request.
  • Inspect All Rooms Look at outlets, under the beds, in showers, and inside lockers to make sure all personal belongings have been removed and trash is in the trash can. Excessive messiness or damage in the rooms may result in additional fees, and we want you to save on that cost!
  • Turn in Keys by 9 a.m. Ensure all keys are returned to the office so we can begin cleaning the rooms for the next campers. There is a late check-out penalty starting at 9:15 for every 15 minutes your keys are late. Fees for lost keys may also apply.
  • Final Payment If you owe any money beyond the minimum guarantee already paid, it is due by the time you check out. You are welcome to pay this at any point in time while you’re at camp.
  • Transportation Confirm that your chosen transportation will arrive by your departure time (between 9 am and 1pm, depending on your schedule). Many schools request their buses to arrive 15 minutes before departure time so there’s enough time to load all the luggage.

Contact Us

* indicates required
You can request specific dates later
Maximum 180